About Us

Welcome to DigitalDhaja’s Universe – Where Digitaldhaja Learn , Teach , explore, and share their life experience.

Introduce ourselve

Hello friends, my name is Dhajaram Jolhe and I am a resident of Faguram, a smalt village of Shakti district built in 2022 in the state of Chhattisgarh, India. I have completed B.com in 2019 then started working to improve my financial condition, still continuing further studies along with mini Aadhar atm work. Apart from helping viewers to learn knowledge, science, technology, earning, tips and tricks, and many more, gives true advice to all and tells about the progressive world in an inspirational way.

Our Mission

Throughout my life I have realized that people lose a lot due to lack of education. Such as not being able to make personal progress, decline in social level, economic progress, success of the nation, setting goals in life, get away from social health to guide such people in the right direction.

Our Story

I started a blog in January 2020, in which my blog was growing but had to stop in between due to lack of time in blogging. There is no time limit to gain knowledge, but still the knowledge gained with a certain time helps you to live a better life, that is why I started a blog maydhaja.com in 2022 to teach and learn, which also has Adsense approval. Knowledge is like a bottomless ocean and it can also be called a ray of the sun because according to me knowledge removes the darkness of ignorance. That is why once again you and we are together in the form of DigitalDhaja.com to spread the light of knowledge to the masses.

My best option is to learn and teach, perhaps this is the reason that does not let me give up even after thousands of difficulties.

Advantage or Importance

  • 1. All types of information will be available which will be useful everywhere.
  • 2. From start to finish digitaldhaja.com is dedicated to your personal development, financial progress and setting life goals.
  • 3. digitaldhaja.com is a true and good guide and waiting for your proper response
  • 4. Feel free to ask us your suggestions, we will try our best to solve your problem according to our knowledge.
  • 5. To stay connected with us visit digitaldhaja.com and subscribe till you always stay updated with us. You can also connect with our social media accounts.
  • 6. Through digitaldhaja.com, our effort is to provide you all with a lot to learn in the online world and to always keep you all updated in this digital to super digital and artificial intelligence digital.